金翁國際開發有限公司創於1993,有多年的專案移民顧問經驗及國際不動產的規劃行銷經驗,開拓了不少成功的案例。就不動產而言,在1993年時,金翁就已經開始經營美國的不動產及夏威夷的分時渡假(Timeshare)。而在移民業務方面,在1994,1995,1996三年中,金翁除了繼續提供各類的移民諮詢外,也致力於在台灣拓展南非的移民業務。我們連續三年,每年成功的幫助4000戶的台灣家庭移民至南非。金翁已經協助成功人士在國外創造商機。客戶們投資移居的國家很多如: 美國、加拿大、南非、中,南美洲、東南亞國家… …等。根據個人不同的學、經歷與商業背景,提供消費大眾最佳的選擇。


(一)、  代辦居留、定居、或永久居留業務

(二)、  代辦非觀光旅遊之停留簽證業務

(三)、  與投資移民有關之移民基金諮詢、仲介業務,並以保護移民著權益所必須者為限。

(四)、  其他與移民有關之諮詢業務


自從1999年5月21日立法院三讀通過中國有史以來的第一套移民法規以後,台灣原有400多家的移民公司因為必須具備符合法規的規定,例如: 一定數額的成功案例、有執照的專業人員數額、資本額、保證金的提存… …等,未能達到標準的移民公司已註銷了319家。在僅存的數十家移民公司中,又可分為甲級和乙級兩種的移民公司。本公司因為符合各種規定,因此以按照法規重新登記為專業的甲級移民公司,來為有移民需求的消費大眾提供專業性服務。



About King Visa

  King Visa International Services Corporation Limited was established in 1993.  For many years, we have been professional consultants in the areas of immigration issues and international real estate investments.  Successful cases are numerous. 

  Starting from 1993, King Visa has been operating in the real estate business(vocation) in the United States and the timeshare plan in Hawaii.  As for immigration, apart from continuously providing all kinds of information and services to customers, King Visa has devoted itself to the promotion of immigration to South Africa during the years 1994, 1995 and 1996. In these consecutive years, we have helped more than 4000 Taiwanese families immigrate to South Africa every year.  Besides, in order to expand our business and to provide better services for the people living in Hong Kong and China, we set up branches at both places in 1995.  These two offices have been dealing with immigration affairs until now.  Furthermore, in 1996, King Visa started to cooperate with various immigration companies in Uxhi, Shanhai and Beijing. 

During 1995 and 1996, Canada was our largest market, second to South Africa. Moreover, King Visa was also authorized during this period by the Narau government to represent them in promoting their immigration affairs in China and Taiwan.  Finally, in 1998 and 1999, King Visa acted for the Japanese Fit Resort, a holiday park designed for recreation of supreme quality. 

  To sum up, one of King Visa’s main goal is to present itself as a wholesaler, connect and maintain good relationship with foreign governments and big enterprises, then lead valuable projects back to Taiwan share and cooperate with the other companies of the same industry. 


 It is our foremost guideline to be a legal company and performing legal acts.  The immigration laws of Taiwan have just been enhanced and updated in Taiwan.  On May 21st, 1999, the Legislative Yuan of Republic of China passed its first set of immigration law.   Originally, there were more than 400 immigration companies in Taiwan.  However, 319 companies were expelled due to the failure of adapting to the new legal requirements such as obtaining a certain amount of successful case numbers every year, the number of staff possessing the professional immigration license and the amount of capital. Furthermore, the remaining companies are classified into Grade A and Grade B.  Because King Visa has fulfilled each individual requirement, we were newly registered as an immigration company of Grade A, and therefore are able to provide professional services to the general public. 


  King Visa International Services Company is a Grade A immigration company.  According to regulation, we can practice

1.         business for temporary residency and permanent residency.

2.         visa application for non-tourism stay

3.         consultation of business related to immigrant fund investments under the assumption of protecting the rights of the immigrants.

4.         other businesses related to immigration

*the above categories contains immigrating to and from Taiwan.


  According to the “Immigration and Naturalization Law” announced by the President on May 21st, 1999, the 46th act specifies:  The person who wants to conduct immigration service must set up a company followed by registering with the authorizing authority.  Business can then be conducted.  Therefore, consumers are protected because companies which used to provide immigration service without a license can not conduct related business.


   To provide customers with professional service under the premise of legality and honesty, King Visa has also employed overseas lawyers as consultants.  Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any enquiries.

